Razor Knives (8mm) Pegboard Holder

Razor Knives (8mm) Pegboard Holder


I designed this pegboard razor holder to hold 4 x-acto type 8mm razor knives to my pegboard. This is not really a direct remix but I loved the pins Saadli designed for AA Battery Holder for Pegboard so I designed this around those. I **have not tested** this on the pins that are not 1/4" since mine are 1/4". Also, my pegboard holes are ~1" apart. This covers a 2x4 hole section of board. I noticed quite by accident that these things are kind of fun to stack. Something along the lines of this. ![stacked racks](https://cdn.thingiverse.com/assets/18/ad/2d/e7/f3/featured_preview_008.jpg "Stacked Racks") I realized that if I made an extended pin I could probably mount them to the pegboard this way. I've added an extended pin but **BE WARNED** I haven't tested it yet. If you beat me to it, please let me know how it went.



