Flora IV-12 VFD clock

Flora IV-12 VFD clock


This is an enclosure for my Flora IV-12 VFD clock. It's super thin and just looks gorgeous! You can choose between printing the top base as a single piece in light color, or printing it in two colors which can result in visually nicer look but is significantly more difficult. **Project github:** https://github.com/mcer12/Flora-ESP8266 **Printing settings:** - Layer height 0.2mm - Line width 0.5mm - No supports required - I personally very much like the new beta version of Cura arachne engine which prints much better than normal Cura. #NOTES FOR SINGLE COLOR PRINT: - you should print it with something white or light gray which will let the light through at 1 layer thicknes (for the colon dots). I personally have a great experience with Stoneage Light from Spectrum filaments. #NOTES FOR TWO COLOR PRINT: It's highly likely you will have to do a few test prints before you get a handle on it. It requires perfect bed leveling for it to succeed as well as good understanding of your particular printer. **Slicer:** 1. place dots and the base into each other so that they fit seemlessly. 2. remove the base from the slicer and save the dots gcode (I suggest to select high number of walls for this model so that infill isn't zig-zaged) 3. Save the base gcode, 2 wall perimeters is fine. **Printing + after print** 1. Print the dots with transparent filament and make sure to keep the bed temperature high after it finishes printing! 2. print the base with black / dark filament 3. I suggest to first remove the print and check for gaps in the print. If the dots separate from the base, you have to adjust the print settings. 4. fill the colon holes with superglue and leave it rest until it fully dries, this can take a day or two. It should result in a frosted diffused look. **Notes:** - each printer is different so if the base doesn't fit the PCB, just scale X and Y a bit (I had to scale both X and Y +0.2mm on my CR10 and also don't forget to scale the bottom plate as well) - Make sure the dots fuse with the base perfectly before applying the superglue! - The superglue introduces pressure to the dots when it dries and they tend bulge up. This doesn't hurt anything but if you want the surface perfectly flush, add some weight on top of the enclosure. I personally applied the superglue when the print was still stuck to the bed but the glue left some residue on the bed so I can't really recommend that.





