MOBULA 6 - Quad Holder
I designed this to hold my beta95x V2 and V3 quads on my wood panel quad wall. Printing: You can print it in PLA or semi-flex filament such as TPU or polymaker polyflex (TPU works fine and is unbreakable) It's an easy print so you can use classic settings 0.2mm layers, 20% infill, 2 walls, 3/4 bottom/top layers... (just remember to keep your flex filament dry to avoid stringing) You'll need one M3 screws to fix it on your wall. As usual, feedbacks and tips are not required but much appreciated ;) You can also follow my work on instagram @badassdrones *** NB : I'm about to share a whole bunch of other cinewhoop related 3d prints so make sure you check my other designs and stay tuned *** Happy Flying!