Hewlett Packard K10-59992 Standby Power Supply for the HP 59309A

Hewlett Packard K10-59992 Standby Power Supply for the HP 59309A


HP Agilent Test Equipment If you cant find ONE Make a replica! NOTE:1 There are 10 photos of the original that I used to replicate this.Special thanks to Tom Van Baak of the site leapsecond for the photos http://www.leapsecond.com/hpclocks/ and also here http://www.leapsecond.com/museum/hp59309a/K10-59992A.htm NOTE 2: Thanks Andrej Bukosek for his work on the HP 59309A https://bukosek.si/hardware/collection/hp-59309a.html Hewlett Packard made some of the coolest test equipment in the world. I'm sure they didn't think we would collect some of the items in the future. The HP 59309A Digital Clock is a small clock using the HPIB protocol. It had a companion Battery Pack that is super hard to find. SO I MADE A REPLICA. I used a HP 59303A Digital to Analog Convertor that is the same size and shape as the hard to find clock, 40USD or so. The Battery tubes were made from Dollar Tree dinner table place mats. They are 0.5mm thick flexible plastic of some sort. I cut them into 30mm strips and wrapped them around 3 D cell batteries that had 90 pound card stock wrapped around one and a half times as a spacer. then the plastic place mats were wrapped and counter wrapped with thin dollar tree clear packing tape. The front aluminum panel is 102mm x 84mm x 1.25mm or so. this was all hand fitted.The gear shaft was made from a knitting needle and the gear was super glued to the shaft.the posh button switch was epoxied to the assembled gear plates. Used paint and primer ending with 400 grit sandpaper.Tamyia is the paint of choice. Decals on the front panel! You will see in the photos that there are some front panels painted 2 colors..... Wrong way to do this as i didn't remember that you can't print white.So i re sanded the face and sprayed all the Light color. The water slide decal paper worked fantastic, Apply decals and swipe with a wad of paper towel. The clear letters of the decal allow the background to shine through. Rear Panel is all hand fitted. and you need to solder and wire it all at once. I got moving to fast and drilled the sheet metal screws to close together, also the decal is an early version without the sine symbol. If the OCD comes out i will rebuild the back plate. There is so much to explain and I feel I may be the only one who cares about this... IF YOU HAVE A QUESTION PM ME. I worked on this on and off for about 15 weeks one or 2 hours at a time with approximately 45 hours of design and build time. Check out my HP Feet https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4846749






