Drag Chain mounts for JG Maker Artist-D

Drag Chain mounts for JG Maker Artist-D


I always liked drag chains and the Artist-D bed cable can sometimes be unruly, so here you go. Initially I created mounts for a 10x10 chain. But, open chains are easier to install (and recommended for this project) but the smallest I found was 10x11 or 10x15. We don't have enough room for a 10x15, so that's not going to happen without a different approach. There isn't a lot of room between the bed and the wiring by the frame. Make sure you have enough clearance between your bed and wiring. You may need to do some wire management. The extra holes on the bed mount are to wire tie your wiring and there's an extra hole on the case mount, should you need one. Removing the bed level springs will make installing this easier, then you might not need to remove the center post. Might be a great time to replace the springs with silicone spacers. <hr> <strong>Like my work? Post a make!</strong> <strong>This is a work in progress and will be improved going forward.</strong> <hr> <strong>Update 6/24/2021</strong>: Updated bed mount, which could break where chain attaches. Added untested 10x11mm mounts while I'm waiting for parts. <strong>Update 6/25/2021</strong>: Beefed up both case mounts where the chain connects. <strong>Update 6/27/2021</strong>: The 10x11 chain I linked to below really through me off, as I was expecting it to be 1 mm wider than the 10x10. Moved the chain mounts closer together for the case mounts. Opened up the case mounts so the wire no longer has to be detached to thread it through. <hr> <strong>Hardware</strong> Case mount: one #8x16 mm bolt, one #3x12mm screw, nut. There are two optional #3 holes should you decide to drill into your case. Bed mount: two #3x12mm screw, nut. <hr> <strong>Links:</strong> <a href="https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01LW1H3C5/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title">10x10 chain on Amazon</a>. <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Zeberoxyz-10X15mm-Connectors-Machines-10mmX15mm/dp/B08R1M9J2H/ref=sr_1_5">10x11 open chain on Amazon</a>. <hr>



