1.75mm Filament Clip - Universal Small and Large

1.75mm Filament Clip - Universal Small and Large


Filament holder clip that snap on to spools and holds the end of the filament to prevent it from unraveling. There are two types: - Small type for spools with rims between 2.4 and 3.8mm - Large type for spools with rims between 3.5 and 5.0mm Their design are universal and should work with most spools. Small type confirmed brands/types: - Prima (PrimaSelect, PrimaValue, etc) - BASF (Ultrafuse) - Polymaker (PolyLite, PolyFlex, PolyMax, etc) - Real Filament (cardboard spools) - AmazonBasics PLA - Hatchbox PLA Large type confirmed brands/types; - Prusa (Prusament) Please let me know if you use a brand not listed above and you can confirm it works good. I will add it to the list.



