Auto Power Off Voxelab Aquila

Auto Power Off Voxelab Aquila


I Designed this mechanical Power Off because most off my Prints end mid-night and i didnt want to wake up to Power off my Printer. Explanation: After the Print is done the heated bed moves backwards by gcode, then waits 300 seconds (5min) for the hotend to cool down. After that the bed collides with the switch and turns off the 3d printer. (Video coming soon) My end gcode: M104 S0 M140 S0 G92 E1 G1 E-2 F300 G28 X0 ;home X G1 X0 Y25 F2000 ;heated bed fast back G4 S300 ; wait for 5 minutes G1 Y14.5 F300 ;heated bed slow back/ hits the lever, printer shut off M84 You Need: 1x threaded rod M4 4x nuts M4 1x washer M4 2x screws for the aluminum extrusion 2x nuts for the aluminum extrusion



