15 Piece Metric Allen Key Tool Set + Desk Organizer: LeisureLuke V1
Youtube Video for Metric 15-Piece Allen Key Set: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LK3hGgZKCp8 I've reinvented the ALLEN KEY TOOL! Finally Printable orientation - every other allen key sits on an edge when laid on it's side. NOT ANYMORE! This is sits on an side! Not an edge! Minor change, but significant to make printable!!! Print with no supports Strength is only as strong as your willpower. Strength Testing Video ALSO Coming soon! Suggest: Increase Perimeter Layers, NOT INFILL. More Perimeter layers add strength vs plastic better than increased infill. Sizes Included: 12mm, 10mm, 9mm, 8mm, 7mm, 6mm, 5.5mm, 5mm, 4.5mm, 4mm, 3.5mm, 3mm, 2.5mm, 2mm, 1.5mm Desk Top Tool Stand / Organizer fits all sizes. Use it with your metal set of Allen Keys ... they'll just be turned 30 degrees in the holster ;) All STL files are in their correct, printable orientation. No supports, brims, or skirts needed.] These tools will be required for my final puzzle box assembly. These tools will be redesigned after my series of testing. Some of the small sizes printed in plastic won't be terribly functional :) unless you use a super small nozzle!