Rigidbot Z Axis Dial Indicator

Rigidbot Z Axis Dial Indicator


Where Z height is so critical to the start of a good print, this is a Valuable add to the Rigidbot. It's very helpful as It gives you information you need to both adjust and monitor your machine. 1) It tells you if your Z homing is in the correct location. 2) It tells you if your Left and Right Z motors are staying synchronised and if one goes out you can very simply manually correct it back. 3) It will help you to select the best Z height for printing 4) It will allow you to manually override your z while keeping your 2 motors perfectly aligned. The dial is in 0.1mm increments so easy to read. The dial needles have lock nuts so you can make the left and right side read the same after homing. All you need is a 13mm magnet to mount the dials or you can double side them in place. Hope to get some good feedback. :D







3D Printing