Alien Grass UFO

Alien Grass UFO


Use this set of customisable grasses to add a special touch to your sci-fi diorama or wargaming tabletop scene. Print a few to fill in areas. The models have appeared in my YouTube video To customise your grass, load one of the grass tufts into your slicer and then one of the reed elements. Move the reed element to fit into the core of the grass. Move both elements down by about 2mm to cut off the rounded portions. Scale the assembly to fit your scene. For a more realistic look when printing multiple items, print them at varying scale so that they take on an individual appearance. The reed element may be also be rotated be a few degrees from the default position (Y and/or Y axes) to emphasise the bend in the reed model. This will add visual “weight” to the reed element. For best results, print using a resin printer, 100% infill and no supports. Paint the model in whatever colour scheme suits your setting. I used the same green as used by LGM - little green men. You could perhaps paint the UFO section in a metallic chrome, silver or gold. To create the models: A single blade of grass was modelled in ViaCAD. The blade of grass was duplicated and remodelled in ZBrush. The grass tufts were then assembled in ViaCAD. The reed elements were created entirely in ZBrush.






