Tig Primeweld slider control

Tig Primeweld slider control


I've been playing with handheld tig current controls. This is my third version and I'm pleased with how it works. Uses inexpensive pots and switches and may be worth building for light welding use. It's made of PETG plastic so it can stand 130C I guess but if you're welding for long periods it may become soft. I've had no problems. Potentiometer is from Sparkfun as is the knob. https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11620 https://www.sparkfun.com/products/14889 The switch is a 5mm high 6x6 pushbutton switch. https://www.amazon.com/QTEATAK-Momentary-Tactile-Button-Switch/dp/B07VSNN9S2/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=6mm+push+button+switch&qid=1625175103&sr=8-3 I use this on a Primeweld 225 and the connector is available on ebay. https://www.ebay.com/itm/221726378880 The switch is only good for about 50ma so if you don't have a Primeweld then measure the current drawn through the pins that start the arc. The Primeweld is only about 10ma. Low current is when pins 4 and 5 have a low resistance. The unit fires when pins 1 and 2 are shorted. Pins 6 to 7 need to be jumpered together. I use a .75 inch double sided Velcro to attach to My CK torch. I just double over about 3/8 inch of Velcro and CA the end to keep it from pulling through. Makes it easy to slide around and rotate if you need to. Their is a left and right hand version also. Of course use it at your own risk, make sure the wiring is correct and compatible with your machine. Cheers Kisssys



