Smart Wallet Redux

Smart Wallet Redux


Smart Wallet Redux So, this is my take on a compact wallet. While many other wallets out there have room for coins, or the card ejector system, or a small pocket for bills, I wasn't satisfied with any of them, so I decided to throw all of those into one thing. This wallet has space for some coins on one side, 6 card storage on the middle with a lever-action ejector system, a small ridge for 1 card to use as quick identification, and a door, with clips for bills inside, making it feel more natural and wallet-like. Print as shown in second image (Purple wallet). Print the body with a raft and sand it when finished. I recommend slowing the print speed at about half when printing both the lower and upper holes. To assemble it, sand the Ejector a bit and use some force to get it in between the body's lower "sandwich", be careful though, I broke mine like that, so if it isn't going in with some force, try sanding it more. After that, slide the Slider into place and use 1.75 filament of your choosing to use as hinges. Depending on your printer, a lot of things can change, so if the filament hinges are too tight to slide in, try squashing them a bit with some pliers. Remember that if something feels tight, sand it until you feel comfortable with it. Using it will loosen up some parts too. Total printing time should come at about 10-14 hours, quite a bit, but I think it's very worth it for a cool and stylish wallet. Have fun!






