Bursting Tank Kannon
Rumbling fast and loud towards unlucky gitz, Kill Tanks firing deadly shells and loads of bullets from huge, strapped together turrets and kannons mounted on massive krushing trakks! Once in range, the 'eavy burna unleashes it's oily flames so the nearby enemies doin' da funny dance! This is an alternate turret designed for the "Shield Wall Tank E" from Geargutz Mek Shop Link: https://bit.ly/367QhAj Printed with 0.075mm layer height using supports or tree supports. The turret file was designed to be printed vertical with tree supports to get a maximum of details! (...so the back facing the build plate & the top facing the cooling fan) Infill gyroid about 15%, less could work, but was not tested... Printing it that way needs time, but you will be happy with a great result :-) The exhausts are a nice stringing test, but a swift use of a lighter can fix that... Shameless beggin': If you like this model, consider a small donation so I can buy some noice coffein to keep me wake during the nights modeling things like that :'D Happy printing & please post a make :-) Kind regards, Tersus