Cable Hanger

Cable Hanger


I created these cable hangers so that I would have easier access to my test leads. I don't have enough wall space to hang my leads straight. These hangers allow me to store my leads wrapped up (and, actually, I don't have any wall space so I attached them to the front of a cupboard door). The hanger is cut off at the bottom and the front edge is angled so that cables can be removed without needing to unwrap them. To put them back on the holder, I loop them by hand and then hang them (as in the photo). To get the most use from the wall space they take up, the hanger includes a small shelf in the center. There are two versions with different spool lengths - 30cm and 50cm. The longer spool can hold more cables but the cables are more likely to get tangled together. Both hanger sizes use the same shelf wall.



