Snapmaker 2.0 A350 Creality Glass Top Mounting Brackets 310 x 310mm
I remixed this from rvanemon's design for the Creality 310x310 mm glass top. I noticed that the glass top slide back and forth sometimes when I was doing a fast print and it would offset the print a little. I made this to make the glass sit more secure. I uploaded 2 versions of the brackets. 1 with a top on it to secure the glass bed down and make it tight and then the topless one where you can pull the glass out if you needed. This will work with Manual bed leveling but you need to do the 4x4 if you choose the brackets with the top on it. It misses all 4 corner brackets by a couple of mm's but it won't work if you do a 3x3 or 5x5 cuz the middle bracket will hit the hotend. It was a minor workaround for me and I liked having the bed secured down so that it wouldn't miss any layers or have bad layer adhesion. I even had a modded fan vent that hovers right next to the hot end and it still cleared the brackets. I'd recommend changing the G-Code as well so that when the print starts it doesn't home inthe corner but in the middle so that it avoids the brackets that sit on top of the glass. The topless brackets you should be fine as is. Here is the g-code I inserted to change the first location of the printhead: G1 X-10 Y170 F3000 ; Move X & Y just off the bed. This puts the printhead in the middle of the printbed. You will need some longer screws as well to bolt these down. I had some Flathead M4x16 screws that I used and they sit flush in the inset holes. Enjoy and let me know what you think. If you have any ideas or changes you might like done or remixes.