NS500-600 like train with wormwheel transmission (3 axis) for OS-railway
When I created this thing the objective was to use a worm wheel transmission with a N20 motor. The victim this time was a train of the NS500 – NS600 series. Trains of this series are also known as “Hippel”or “Bakkie”. This locomotive has three axis but because of problems in the turns, for this model only two axis are driven. Base of the design were some drawings of the locomotive and videos. The design is for use 32 mm gauge. I have never seen such a locomotive live so the design will undoubtly contain flaws. You can see the train in real live in action here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x14hYQWRvw4 at 1 min 41 secs The batteries used are 14650 Li ion batteries. The worm wheel axis is driven directly by a N20 motor. To get enough speed the rpm must be 1000 rpm or bigger. The software of thing 48112298 for the ESP is changed as follows: - The ESP will drive 5 LED’s (2 backlight, 2 front light 1 flash light). - The flash light will flash in case the speed is bigger than zero. - In case fixed IP adresses will be used, they can be set in the file treinAdressen.h with the use of the espId of the processor. The espId of the processor is showed after reset in the serial monitor of the arduino ide.