Voxelab Aquila Vertical Screen Mount
I made this for my aquila with a BL touch. Since the firmware I used reoriented my screen from horizontal to vertical. This is a remix of another aquila screen mount i found on here. I added some distance between the edge of the printer base and the edge of the screen since I have fat fingers. I also fixed an issue with the O.G. model that had parts suspended above the base resulting in 3 spaghetti fails. Another mod was shortening in the block to leave enough space for the screen plug. I did however misjudge where the holes should go on my first print of this model, as you can see in the picture. I went back and fixed it and that is this version. you can use the original hardware, m4x12 screws with the v channel nuts. I did have to do a little filing because it is a tight fit. I cant find the original file or or I would credit them. If you are or know the o.g. let me know so I can add the link.