Schiit Fulla 4 - USB-C Power/Data Retaining Clip
Do you own a Schiit Fulla 4*? Does the stock USB-C cable they provide not exactly click into place with confidence? Do you breath in the general direction of your Fulla 4 and the USB-C cable falls off? If you answered yes to any of those questions, this just might be for you. Long story, short... The USB-C cable that came with my Fulla 4 doesn't hold tight in the port. I haven't tried any other cable to test if the port is crappy itself because none of my other cables are long enough anyways. So... I made this. .6mm Nozzle No rafts needed No supports needed Rez .20 Infill 20% Basically, this will print with whatever settings you have. And it prints in about 20 minutes. The sad part is that for obvious reasons you likely won't have the same cable. I'm sure Schiit has a bin of lowest bidder parts they just refill with whomever has the current lowest price. I provide a detailed photo though if you want to confirm you have the same cable. If it doesn't fit, you have a few cheap options: 1) If its only off by 1 or 2mm, you might just be able to stretch or shrink the length without adversely affecting the retaining pins. 2) Cut off the holder prongs to fit the width of the cable end. 3) Add additional material to the holder prongs to pad the space if its too long. You can melt some extra PLA to make it a tighter fit if the cable head is short. Enjoy! *I don't own any other Fulla versions, so I'm not sure this will fit as intended to prior versions. That being said it looks like the Fulla 3 likely has the same stamped, chassis. Please leave a comment for others if this worked for another Fulla version.