Adjustable polish / tumbler machine
Easy to make tumbler / polish machine. I looked at several designs and combined the best things into this design. e.g. easy to make with small amount of (printed) parts and adjustable for different sizes of barrels, pots, cans etc. Added different sizes for the motor pulley so that most motors can be used. Also added 2 kinds of left plates one for a small motor with 2mm bolts and 17mm motormount and a more common one for 3mm bolts and 17-21mm motormount. Bearing used is a 6x19x6mm type=626-2RS LargeGear has 64 teeth and the Motor Pulley has18 teeth. Just choose the desired length of the 8mm aluminium pipe, lenght of the 6mm rod and the combination of parts to print. For polishing silver parts usually soap and Stainless Steel Polishing Mixture are used. Therefore I designed also a small watertight tumbler pot. Use an o-ring with ID 62x3mm. Water tightness test tumbler pot: And time for polishing: Update: Added a inner lid preventing that the polishing mix gets between the O-ring seal. Added a part (see yellow part) to secure the rod in the correct position tighten it with an insert (M3). Enjoy.