LED Clock DCF77

LED Clock DCF77


# LED Clock (DCF77) <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/JKQQ1zitYd8" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> A visualization for the DCF77 signal using 2 WS2812 / Neopixel LED Rings (60 and 24 LEDs). The DCF77 Signal is received via a Websocket Stream, buy you can adopt it to use a real DCF77 Receiver Module. The intention is not to simple show the current time, but to show the single (bit) signals of the DCF77 signal. Find more Information about [DCF77 at Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DCF77). [Source Code and more Information / GitHub](https://github.com/realSixi/dcf77-led-clock) [YouTube Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKQQ1zitYd8) ## 3D Printed Parts I printed the 3D Parts with PETG (white for the diffusor/shader), and whatever color you prefere for the case and the stands. I printed all parts with a 0.6mm Nozzle (@0.3mm Layer Height) - but also added a 0.4mm Version (= 2 Layers @0.2mm Layer Height) for 0.4mm Nozzles. The Electronics-Box needs some support, the other parts are fine without any support. ## Needed Parts - 60 LED Ring (WS2812 / Neopixel) - 24 LED Ring (WS2812 / Neopixel) - ESP8266 (I used a Wemos D1 mini) or ESP32 - some cables to solder the LEDs and the Microcontroller together - a little bit of Hot Glue to hold the LED Rings in place (the moulds are slightly larger)






