The Joker X-Carriage
Because i didn´t find a good solution fitting my needs i decided to create my own. I used the Anet A6 easy-carriage made by "dovanzeijl" because i like this all in one print design and remixed + inproved it. -With the basic design the belts don´t line up well under using a 20T pully this is why i rased the belt mount +3mm - now it is a nice fit. I made the mounts for the belts also a bit thicker - I also removed the Endstopmount because i don´t need that and added a mount for a cablechain to tide up the mess on the carriage. U can use the holes to tie the cable from the Sensor around the carriage towards the chain if you like as shown in some pictures i will upload soon. The other end of the Chain is mounted on a sepperate 20/20 Extrution in my frame you don´t need to turn the carriage or the sensorclip they are lined up like they should be printed. i printed mine in PLA+ NO SUPPORTS NEEDED ! #### 22.07.2021 added Joker Bltouch Edition