6 Port Keystone Patch Panel for 6"/12" Network Cabinet

6 Port Keystone Patch Panel for 6"/12" Network Cabinet


*Note*: If you cannot remove the pegboard from your networking cabinet, this design will not work for you. Needed a patch panel for my networking cabinet and couldn't easily find one that would fit the 6"/12" mounting holes in it. So, I designed my own! This design allows 6 keystone jacks to be mounted in a networking cabinet with 6"/12" mounting holes. The attached DXF file shows one section of mounting holes in the cabinet. My specific cabinet is manufactured by Suttle, your mileage may vary. Required Hardware: * 8x #6-32 *narrow* hex nut (1/2" width) [90760A007 from McMaster-Carr] * 8x #6-32 x 1/2" pan head screw [90272A148 from McMaster-Carr] Printing: For each panel you want to make, you will need to print: * 4x Support * 1x Plate * 4x Washer All components can be printed in one go. I recommend using support for the countersunk screw holes and for the locating pins on the supports. I don't recommend using support for the nut retaining cutouts, they will print fine on their own. Assembly: * Remove the pegboard from the cabinet (if this cannot be done, this design cannot be used) * Attach each support to the pegboard using a nut in the retaining cutout and a screw. * Add a washer between the back of the pegboard and the screw head if needed * In my case, I needed to cut the side off two of the washers. Using the 3D printed washers made this very easy * Insert the keystone jacks into the back of the plate * Secure the keystone jack plate to the supports using a screw and a nut in the retaining cutout.






