Ice Cream Cone Splat Hanger

Ice Cream Cone Splat Hanger


Provided in two parts: the melting ice cream, and the cone. Mounted on a vertical surface, this can be used to hold hats, bags, etc. The cone is a replica of a Joy Cone #40. The cone model file is set to 90% of the actual diameter of the Joy Cone #40. Therefore, if you want the cone to be actual size, scale up the models so that the cone prints at 66.67mm diameter. I remixed the melting ice cream from provided by @Doodleform. I liked the general shape of the original model, but I wanted something that was more organic in how the melted ice cream flowed and adhered to the surface. I printed the cone in Wood PLA (Hatchbox) @ 0.2mm layers. I printed the ice cream in PETG Bright White V2 (Atomic) @ 0.1 layers, 3 shells, 4 solid layers top/bottom, and a 60% infill. The high infill and the high number of top/bottom layers help to provide a smooth top surface of the melted ice cream. I sanded the cone with 400 grit paper. This also helps to make the cone look more realistic by lightening the outermost waffle grid on the cone base, I sanded the ice cream with 800 grit paper. The goal is to reduce the layer lines at the top of the melted puddles. I used my finger nail to remove tiny PETG blobs. I sprayed the ice cream with about four coats of glossy clear coat enamel. I glued the cone to the ice cream with gel-type (Loctite) superglue. I attached the ice cream to a wall with 3M command strips.






