Laser Manual Z-Axis Air Asist and Focus Wheel

Laser Manual Z-Axis Air Asist and Focus Wheel


**7/19/2021 Update** I have this working well for me now after making some more changes since my initial publish of this. I originally used 39.7mm spacing for the wheel spacing of the V-slot 2020 extrusions which is what openbuilds uses, but with this plastic part I had no adjustment as it was tight at the widest eccentric spacing so I increased it by .5mm. I did a test print of a cube with 39.7mm on my printer & it was right on so calibration was not the issue. It is either the plastic versus aluminum or maybe having the 6mm top wheel spacers as part of the carriage. I added a belt tensioning slider to one side so I could fine tune the belt adjustment which added about 0.1oz to the carriage with the additional M3x20mm screw & locknut. After the assembly I noticed the laser was not exactly perpendicular so I printed some M3 spacers with heights of 1mm to 3mm in .5mm increments. After adding two 1.5mm high spacers to the bottom 2 laser mounting holes it looks perpendicular. There are 2 photos included that show the before and after of this. When assembling this, I found it easier to attach the laser wiring before mounting the laser to the Z-axis slider. I also included **LE_XZCarriage_M5_V2_TestCuts.stl** for you to print to make sure the M3 & M5 nut traps & slider works. If you print that test you will not need to print the file **BeltTensionSlider.stl** Thingiverse does not seem to let me do a remix link, so here are the remix links: (Ortur Master II Air Assist with Z axis level) (Laser focus adjustment wheel) and (Laser Air Assist Nozzle for 33x33 mm laser diode housing) I wanted to add air assist & manual Z-axis to my cantilever laser. Since I want as little weight as possible on the cantilever, a simple manual z-axis is the least weight. These are sized for the NEJE 6W laser with 16mm hole spacing horizontal & 48.4mm spacing vertically. Print **LE_XZCarriage_M5_V2_TestCuts.stl** first to make sure M3 & M5 nut traps & **BeltTensionSlider.stl** fit well. For the Sliding carriage assembly, you will need to print **LE_XZ_Carriage_M5_V2.stl** (with supports), **LE_XZ_LongSlidePlate.stl**, **LE_XZ_PressFit.stl**. These are already oriented for printing. If you are not using my cantilever laser design, , you will probably need to modify this for your use from the included fusion 360 file **LE_XZCarriage_M5_V2 v24.f3d**. I used 4-M5x30 screws with locknuts for the wheel mounts. I also used M5-1mm spacers on the heads of the eccentric screws as well as M5 washers on the eccentric & plastic spacer connections on the wheels. A M5x20 screw with a locknut for the Z-axis loosen/tighten slider. A M3x20mm screw with locknut for belt tensioning slider mount. If you are not using this with the air Assist bracket, you will need to use 2 M3x2mm High spacers for bottom 2 slider mounting holes that are included as **M3_Spacer_2mmHt.stl**. The **LE_XZ_PressFit.stl** goes where the M5x20mm screw meets the laser. I found the supports quite easy to remove using the largest T handle allen wrench that would fit in the holes I got from harborfreight. I put the plastic part on top of 2 pieces of wood with opening you are removing between the wood & jab the wrench thru it. The hole plugs come out in one jab & I hit the slot holes multiple times along them until the plastic releases. Takes less than 30 seconds. In the slicer I also block supports for the belt slotted holes in the top of the print. After assembly check to see if laser is perpendicular & use spacers on bottom 2 holes as needed. This last step is mentioned in the update above. The focus wheel allows you to adjust focus easier with the Air-assist bracket. For the NEJE laser, you will need **Laser_focus_Wheel.stl** for this. I also included Laser_focus_adjustment_16mm.stl for lasers with a little larger diameter focus ring like my neighbor has. The Air assist bracket **LaserAirAssist_V4.stl** has mounting holes on one side for the NEJE laser & also a Front bracket mounting for additional security using a M3x12mm screw with locknut. If the mounting holes to laser do not match yours, you can either modify the fusion 360 included file or just use the front bracket mounting hardware. The air hose opening is sized for 3d printer PTFE tube which most people with 3d printers have. This will fit inside the aquarium pump tubing I have. There is a fusion 360 file included for those that want to change this for a different size tube.



