Customizable Folding Prop

Customizable Folding Prop


I designed this to have a simple home made folding prop for a 2 cell or 3 cell battery plane. Is also made to work with a Prop saver with a 30mm outer diameter and 22mm reduced diameter hub to prevent prop Hub from splitting. There are NO blades for this model. The propeller blades are intended to be taken from an existing prop and sanded or filled hub to be glued into the Prop mount. Front of blades should face the face that's flat. Back is the rounded face. Pin for Folding Mechanism is a 3mm bamboo skewer. Printing: Layers: Must have layer lines going length wise when looking at it from the front well Mounted. this is to allow for the maximum strength of the part for the use. Layer height: .15mm for better strength and resolution Walls: use 2 or 3 walls again for strength purposes Infill: use any were from 20% to 100% depending on how you want the weight to be







R/C Vehicles