Hotwheels Lancia 037 Display Base

Hotwheels Lancia 037 Display Base


###If you like my display designs, feel free to follow me on twitter and instagram! Feel free to comment and provide any feedback too! ###[Twitter]( ###[Instagram]( Description ==================== A base for Hotwheels Lancia 037 from the Thrill Climbers set, it should work with the any Lancia 037 that Hotwheels released in the future. The display base is separated into 3 parts, name plate, the base and the back plate. "BoxBackAssem" Variants ==================== There are 2 variants of "BoxBackAssem" in this, the one in my pictures are "BoxBackAssem2". The difference for each "BoxBackAssem are: ###BoxBackAssem2: Smaller Lancia logo which may have some difficulties to print with 0.4mm nozzle, this is the one I printed. The "A" in Lancia logo is missing its hole in my print. ###BoxBackAssemLargeLogo: Larger Lancia logo which may be easier to print with 0.4mm nozzle, I have not tested it yet. If you tried, please let me know how it is. Print Settings ==================== Nozzle size = 0.4 mm (minimum, smaller better) Layer height = 0.2 mm Filament change layer for colours on BoxBackAssem: 1) Layer 19 (Thicker stripe colours, mine is blue) 1a) Layer 24 (Thin stripe colour and "Lancia" logo background, skip this if you are keeping it blue as well) 2) Layer 29 (Lancia logo pattern and "037" lettering colours, mine is white) Filament change layer for colours on name plate: 1) Layer 7 (Lettering on name plate) Colours ==================== Colours of all other items is your choice. For BoxBackAssem, the thin stripes are in dark blue colour because I coloured it with a blue marker pen. Assembly ==================== The car is tied with metal wire through the display base holes, the wire will need to be slide between the wheels and the metal body. Back plate should slide in nicely into the display base. The name plate might need some trimming to the side to fit into the box. Others ==================== Feel free to send me any feedback on how to improve the design. Suggestion on display base designs are welcomed too. The transparent box I'm using to store the base and car in one of the picture is bought from here:






