Sturdy Oculus Quest 2 Headphone Mount for BoboVR M2 Headstrap

Sturdy Oculus Quest 2 Headphone Mount for BoboVR M2 Headstrap


This is a direct conversion of fortinmike's Sturdy Oculus Quest 2 Headphone Mount (Koss Porta Pro / KSC75) designed to fit with the bobovr m2 headstrap. The original design is completely unchanged other than the headset clip. I simply shrunk down the clip size while maintaining the same size hole. So everything fits together and functions just like the main design. The tolerances on this design are very tight. You really need to push on these parts during assembly to get everything together. Once it's assembled though, it's really sturdy. These headphones aren't going anywhere once you get them in position. Err on the side of sturdiness with your print settings to prevent breaking during assembly. I had shapeways print my design, so the print settings below are not accurate. Please reference fortinmike's page for more info on that. The rest of this summary is copied directly from fortinmike's page, since it is his design ########################################################################## Full up-to-date information, print and assembly instructions with pictures here: (I put all my prints on but decided to post this one on Thingiverse as that's where the original came from) Looking for a solution to get better sound on my Oculus Quest 2, I stumbled upon this design by budgiesarecool. I already had some Koss Porta Pros so I printed it and used that for a couple of weeks (after tweaking the size of some parts for a tighter fit, especially the push pin which is/was modelled too small). However, after a couple of weeks using that, I came to the conclusion that while the design's intent and general approach are valid, it had a couple of issues (mostly a lack of rigidity) that annoyed me and that couldn't be completely fixed by just resizing parts before printing. This print is a complete redesign strongly inspired by the original, but which fixes all of the gripes I had with it and adds some niceties. I hope you like it! I'd love to see your makes :) See the link above for full details and instructions. UPDATE June 2021: Small tweaks to alleviate minor issues raised by @AlexKapa94, such as rounding the teeth a bit. To make sure the parts fit, make sure to calibrate your filament (specifically the flow rate) and try turning on "External Perimeters First" or similar to prevent parts from being printed a tad too large. Gripes with the original design Too loose (requires frequent re-adjustment to align with your ears properly, especially when rotating your head quickly which can cause the arms to move out of place) Unnecessary front-to-back rotational adjustment (causes much flex and too easy to move by accident and you end up with the arms at different angles on each side) The arm moves too freely to get a good amount of pressure on the ear, which is necessary to get good bass. Plasticky noise when moving head (caused by loose parts and too many adjustments) The face plate is too easy to move vertically (easy to move by accident) The hinge pin is the wrong size and even when sized properly can get looser with time Enhancements in this redesign Much sturdier overall (no flex, stays in place once adjusted to your liking) The clip holds much better on the head strap (it's mostly like the original, just tighter) No plasticky noise caused by loose parts and unnecessary adjustments Maintains its position once the arm is lowered and allows a reasonable amount of pressure to be applied on the ear No front-to-back rotation (slide the clip on the strap to align with your ears instead) The hinge is held together by an M5x20mm screw, which won't loosen over time and fits better. Built-in wire management (on the face plate and behind the clip) Shorter face plate while retaining most of the adjustability. Takes less space when stored flat and looks less like antennas!







3D Printing