SD Card Milk Crate (FDM optimized)

SD Card Milk Crate (FDM optimized)


# Summary 27mmX27mmx24mm, sized to fit SD cards This design is a remix of the milkcrate model by Alexby. In this design, the crate is unfolded, so that the the entire model is printed flat on the bed, vastly improving the quality of the side details on FDM machines at this scale. #Post processing You will need to fold and find a way to fix the seams. For this I used a cheap soldering iron. I also tried superglue (Cyanoacrylate), but it was slower and less effective in my opinion. If you do use a soldering iron, I recommend running it over the bent corners as well to reflow the weakened plastic. Due to the way the layers are oriented, I don't really see a difference between 0.2mm vs 0.1mm layer heights. Therefore I recommend using 0.2mm for faster printing. If you tried printing this with a smaller nozzle, I would love to see your results! # Background After my attempts to print the milkcrate by Alexby at 23% scale resulted in utter failure on my Voxelab Aquila, I decided to design a SD card sized milk crate that is FDM, Bowden tube extruder friendly. I think the main cause of my failures with the original design is that it required too many retractions, because the prints inevitably stop half way due to the extruder choking on a ground filament. Another possible reason is that I am using cheap PLA filament. Additionally, I was not satisfied with the result of my prints. The only way I could successfully print the original design was to use 0.2mm layer heights and no retractions, and the results were less than pretty to say the least. There isn't anything wrong with the original design, it is just that I am trying to print it at a scale that it wasn't designed for using an FDM machine.






