Toys for boys-ships/ anchor+Kenter shackle+swivel

Toys for boys-ships/ anchor+Kenter shackle+swivel


Toys for boys. Old boys use computers, small boys need other toys Anchor shackle and swivel. Swivel is most vulnerable part of anchor cable.Print 2x, join with pin & glue washer on pin top Kenter shackle is used to join anchor cable (chain), which comes in length ca 27.5m. Print 2x, join and secure with pin. Kenter shackle is used to count the length of the cable in the water. Usually painted red with chain links painted white. Number of painted links is equal to number of Kenter shackles from anchor. Ships with length 150-250m has 10-13 shackles of cable (usually one shackle less on portside). I heard that Russian paint links from 1 to 5 and repeat it on the whole length. In addition 2 other versions of anchor base (crown). You can make different breloque for each day of the week. it is made in version 4 of Template Shapes_Text (CSV code compression) Code of this design with compression to CSV consist of 46 lines. With standard OpenScad commands probably 3x more Template code will be included in next database release edited: check anchor lifter (windlass) combined with 2 winches







Toys & Games