Slamfire Kit (Caliburn)

Slamfire Kit (Caliburn)


Changelog: 7-22-21 8:21PM EST: Fixed sear STL position to be flat. Changelog: 7-28-21 11:00PM EST: Improved built in support for MagUpper, added supports to the StockAlt prints that improve bed adhesion. Changelog: 7-30-21 4:08PM EST: Updated the Pinnedarm to v2, which is fully printed (instead of using a piece of screwed in PVC on the tip of the arm) After 4 months of development, I present: The Caliburn Slamfire kit! (Also known as the Slamfire is Much Preferred kit, or SIMP kit (thanks for that name Slug)) This is a kit that replaces the StockAlt, MagUpper, and top rail of the Caliburn. In turn, it gives you slamfire! **The kit does NOT modify the existing grip, trigger, or sear of the blaster.** This kit doesn't touch the existing trigger at all. It functions completely independently from the existing trigger and grip of the blaster. This kit basically adds a second sear and trigger, but the trigger is pulled when you push the ram into the barrel. So when you slamfire, all you are doing on the normal grip is keeping it's sear out of the way. This kit works with any spring load from k31 to k14. Just good luck slamfiring a k14! Non-printed parts: - 2 4-40 screws (1 and a takedown pin for the takedown version) - A rubber band - That's it! Firing video: Slow-Motion video of the mechanism: If you wish to print and sell this item, please contact me for licensing. I can be reached on Discord (Sillybutts#5905), Reddit (u/SillyTheGamer), or by Thingiverse comments.



