Cura Post-Processing Scripts

Cura Post-Processing Scripts


This is a small collection of Cura post-processing scripts I wrote mainly to improve print quality. I only tested them with RepRap/Marlin-style G-code and Cura 4.10.0, use them at your own risk. For installation copy the Python scripts into the folder *plugins/PostProcessingPlugin/scripts* within your Cura installation folder and restart Cura. Script parameters should all be documented well enough by their tooltips. Depending on the single core performance of your computer some of the scripts can take a few minutes to execute, so don't be alarmed when Cura seems to be stuck upon saving/uploading (that's when Cura executes post-processing scripts) - just be patient. The scripts will finish quicker than the print ;-) Accelerate Draft Shield ======================= Normally Cura prints draft shields using the skirt speed setting. However, the draft shield above the initial layer can usually be printed much faster than the initial layer - this script allows that option. Accelerate Inner Walls ====================== When printing walls from inner walls to outer walls, the surface quality of a wall depends to a certain degree on the quality of the already printed adjacent wall. For maximum quality you don't want the difference between outer wall speed and outermost inner wall speed to be too high. However, if you print more than one inner wall, printing with low inner wall speed will take ages. This script gradually decreases the wall printing speed from innermost to outermost wall. The outer wall uses the normal outer wall speed setting, the adjacent inner wall uses the normal inner wall speed setting, the next wall uses inner wall speed times the acceleration factor, the next one uses inner wall speed times factor² and so on. Bridge and overhang speed modifications are still obeyed: Bridge speed does not get altered by the script at all, and the overhang speed factor is applied on top of the acceleration factor. Advanced Filament Change ======================== This script will give you a few more options for filament changes between layers, nothing more. Enforce Speed Limits ==================== Limits the speed of all extrusion moves in both directions (minimum and maximum). When using fairly low outer wall speeds and a small factor for overhangs, the speed can sometimes get too slow. Unfortunately Cura doesn't obey its own "minimum speed" setting in this case, hence this script. Slow Bed Cooling ================ When printing materials with a high cooling shrinkage (like ABS), slowly cooling down the bed when the print is finished instead of just turning off the heat can reduce the chance of warping and cracking/delamination. That's where this script comes in. Wipe Retraction =============== Does exactly that: Wipes inwards (closed loops) or backwards (all other cases) during (not after, as Cura does) a retraction (or even slightly before if desired) to reduce stringing and seam blobs. Relative extrusion needs to be activated for this script to work.







3D Printing