wind spinner v3

wind spinner v3


A wind spinner sized for Ender 3 or similar, this is an update to an earlier design & incorporates elements used in the large V5 spinner. The sail blade attachments are much more sturdy than the original six blade windmill design and are held in place through the blade root with 3mm cap head screws (12 - 14mm) and nuts. Those screws also join the two part hub. There are two hub categories which enclose either one (SB) or two (DB) 608RS bearings. A two bearing hub can be more stable and allow a closer fit at the expense of a bit more drag. Axle shafts consist of 5/16" bolts for both horizontal & vertical axes. Alignment jigs are available to assist in getting a right angle position established while gluing the axle bolts in place. The stake mount uses two bearings (DB) for a more stable upright posture for the assembled spinner. The overall design supports either a single or double fan arrangement, with two hub/blade versions (A & B) having opposite blade orientations to permit contra-rotating fans. Spacers maintain clearances between nose, base and hub components. There are two versions of the "base" part (the part that sits on the stake mount & holds the tail and forward parts). The "short base" is appropriate for a single fan spinner. The "long base" would be appropriate for a double fan spinner adding more leverage & counterweight to the rear of the assembly.



