Chiron Y Axis Linear guide mod

Chiron Y Axis Linear guide mod


This is a drop-in improvement for the Anicubic Chiron Y-Axis carriage. I decided to design a roller wheel-to-linear axis modification that did not require the changing of end stop positions, packing the heated print bed or reduced the available print volume. I am happy to say that this modification does not affect the original design of the printer in any way so that all print dimensions are still the same and the automated leveling is just as as it was meant to be. In order to produce a drop-in replacement for the Y-axis sub-carriage, I designed a new sub-plate to attach to the linear rails. The sub plate is 3mm aluminum and can be cut with home tools using a print of the DXF drawing as a template. I decided to have mine laser cut for a nominal cost. Once I had the new plate the rest was simple matter of dismantling the printer heated bed and removing the two 2040 extrusions that hold the roller sub-assembly for the heated bed. Once the two 2040 extrusions are removed the linear rails need to be clamped to the extrusion so that the holes for the retaining screws may be drilled. The holes are 3mm for the 30mm bolts that will hold the rails. Be sure to place the rails with equal distance from each end. This is the most delicate step in the entire operation because the linear rails need to be parallel. So to ensure that the linear rail is parallel to the 2040 extrusion before drilling I printed a little gauge to use for this purpose - it is useful to print two of them so that you can have one at each end when tightening the clamps. Naturally, it is recommended that you print all the necessary parts in this mod before embarking on the adventure. There aren't many so it is a relatively easy task. You will also need to shorten the heated bed springs - whether you cut them or simply purchase new ones is up to you. The size can be 0.8x8x20 (0.8mm wire, 8mm dia, 20mm long). I just cut my existing springs and ground the ends flat with an angle grinder.







3D Printers