Dek's RGB to Component Transcoder Box

Dek's RGB to Component Transcoder Box


This is a customization of Sensorslot's parametric Project Box: This is a box designed for Dek's RGB to Component Transcoder: Problem: You just RGB modded a console or have a console with native RGB+sync or RGB+composite SDTV video out. You have a consumer SDTV or HDTV with component (YPbPr) inputs but not RGB. You can purchase an expensive adapter cable, or construct this transcoder, which 1. strips sync from composite video 2. transcodes RGB to YPbPr 3. amplifies the output video and 4. recombines sync with luma. This box, together with the populated PCB, some form of incoming RGB cable, and some panel mount RCA jacks, can result in a very nice-looking piece of hardware that gets the job done. In the photos I used this with my RGB-modded PC Engine Duo. Previously I had used a connector I built together with a HD Retrovision Genesis cable. Now I can use this dedicated box and no longer share the Retrovision cable between devices.







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