PRO Adder Facesheild Holder v5

PRO Adder Facesheild Holder v5


I designed this to slot into a standard metal arm extendable earmuff to hold a laminated plastic sheet which would act as a splash face-shield. Printing: Infill as minimum is 20% because it can easily hold the framework without must strain. I printed it at 30% to ensure rigidity when I keep on taking my helmet off and putting it on and somehow pulling on the arms. I attached the faceshield with a small screw and nut. Its a 2.5mm short bolt with a non-slip plastic ring at the edge. I tightened it up and then loosened it a little. There are washers on both sides to protect the plastic sheet from the bolt and nut holding onto it. The green piece is a spare piece of failed print I am glueing to prevent the arm from sliding out sideways. If you want to edit the model to provide arms its alright. I just like saving pieces for times like this. To remove the need for this you can either suplerglue it in place or fill in a section of the gap I made by 0.25mm so the arm requires being forced in and will only be loose in the cylindrical hole. The curved bulge is to protect the sides from damage from bumps.






