Pulsar Digex N450 N455 USB Power

Pulsar Digex N450 N455 USB Power


This is printed with resin printer. But it will print well with a fine layer hight with a FDM printer to. you need to strip of the plastic a micro usb-b, cut of the wire, and so enter the wire in the hole, and solder the micro usb-b on the wire. You have to glue the micro usb-b into place using epoxy. A tips is to apply some lube on the digex part so the epoxy dont fasten on the scope. Its a little tricky to connect the usb port when its loose, so I applyed 5min epoxy on the usb. Connected to the digex and so monted the part before epoxy hardned. Its importent to hold the digex so the glue dont flows to the digex, but down to the usb holding part. The part that its named Wider its a litt wider than orginal, thats depend on your printer. (see the pictures with messurement)



