Wide Buttstock Pad for CETME & G3
Wide buttstock pads for CETME-C and G3. The CETME Pad should fit right to the stock. For the G3 pad you will cut the back of the Plastic cap that comes with the surplus stock off. Remove the spring clamps and the rivets that hold them in. Tap the spring clamp support bars for 10-32 bolts. Sand the surface of where you cut, down. Drill out any holes that are too small to fit the 10-32 bolt. Superglue the Pad to the old plastic piece and then bolt it all together using .75" 10-32 button head Hex screws. I used Loctite Ultra Gel control. It should snap right into your old surplus stock when done and as is, it adds about .5" to the LOP. Printing: Print both in TPU. I used Overture High Speed TPU, at 15% Gyroid infil, with 110% flow, 70% fan speed and 3mm walls. Thicker walls gives a stiffer pad. Adjust your settings for how you would normally print TPU on your printer. If using a PEI sheet sprinkle a small amount of baby powder on the build sheet before printing and the builds will pull off with a little force.