Greedy Mug (Pythagorean Mug)

Greedy Mug (Pythagorean Mug)


This is my take on the Pythagorean cup (the cup that Pythagoras supposedly used to test if his apprentices were greedy or not hence its other name "Greedy Cup"), however, I made a mug because not only can it hold more than a chalice like the classic cup, but it can also conceal the mechanism easier. This is my first test and I currently don't have access to my printer so if someone could print this out, test it, and leave a comment on how well it works that would be greatly appreciated. This cup should also work much better than the normal type as well given that it has a good sized exit channel and has a lattice cutout on the base hopefully preventing the victim from stopping the flow, not to mention that it has seven water exits. Thanks to all who test and make sure to leave a comment if you do. :) P.S If you use the right PLA it can be food safe. How it works: When the water level rises over the fill line (if you're too greedy) then the bell siphon will activate and all of the water will drain out. These steps can be seen in the photos above. The lattice cut at the bottom will also make for a difficult time trying to stop the siphon from draining all the water out.







Math Art