Terasic DE10-Nano FPGA board Mounting Plate (Slide adapter)
SUMMARY Components in the Phase Dock group are designed to work with and augment the Phase Dock WorkBenchTM electronics project development ecosystem [PhaseDock.com]. The WorkBench: • Accelerates electronic prototyping and project building • Minimizes the time spent mounting and organizing electronic components • Delivers protection and portability to what would ordinarily be fragile APPLICATIONS This Slide mounting adapter is designed to mount the Terasic DE10-Nano FPGA board [https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/terasic-inc/P0496/6817231] to your Phase Dock WorkBench project. It fits a Phase Dock® 3x5 ClickTM connector and is attached to the Click using superglue. (See assembly instructions below.) The 3x5 Click works with all Phase Dock® WorkBenchTM Bases. In addition, all Slides can be used (and are useful) without being attached to a Phase Dock Click connector. They can be used to protect the underside of the board just free/loose on the desktop, or they can be directly attached to any appropriate substrate by drilling and screwing through the base plate of the Slide. For example, we have mounted Arduino Mega boards to small industrial machines using the Slide alone, without the Click.