E3D V6 Ultimaker CL-260 Direct Titan Hotend with Prusa Layerfan

E3D V6 Ultimaker CL-260 Direct Titan Hotend with Prusa Layerfan


Here is my remix for an CL-260 or Ultimaker style hotend wit 6mm rods and LMUU Bearings but before we go into detail. Many many thanks to the OP of that Titan Extruder Silderblock it is a very nice part design in my opinion for my CL-260 and also many thanks to fan shroud OP that modular design for V6 parts cooling pieces and accessories is also a verry good design. So as said this thing is a remix of these two Things: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2749539 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2769783 Now to the explanation, with the two stock versions I ran into some mounting Issues with my personal CL-260. I use TMC Drivers with sensor less homing for X&Y and in fact it always bumped into the mounting screw of the blower fan or the stepper motor in the back.. and I was not really happy with that because over time the single screw clamp of the original design got a bit loose and everytime i homed the hotend turned a little bit arround.. So in the end you could rotate the hotend that then was annoying after each Homing :-/ And now I wanted to test the new Klipper feature with that ADXL345 sensor frequencie Tuning.. So I needed also a place to mount my BL Touch Clone and a ADLX345 Sensor. So I decided to modify the main body of the cross slider and the clamping lid and also add a ADLX mount to the fan shroud of the V6 heatbrake Cooler. But last part is still in beta and not fully tested yet.. So the stepper mount position is now 3mm higher and the bottom is extended by e.q. 13mm so the blower fan and the stepper would go under and over the slider blocks and belts when homing. I also added a second screw to secure the hotend better with the clamping lid and also shrunk down the bearing holes a bit because they were quiet loose on my Printouts. Here i just screwd in the plastic tiny wood screws to secure the bearings in the hole.. Again many thanks to both OPs of these two combined parts that form a well working hotend with a extreme Cooling capacity for the Parts cooler. In my setup i use the Original E3D V6 and Titan extruder so i am not shure if the Clones do work well.. Prints best upright for the main body with bed Supports in the Clamp area very well. And the Clamping lid can be placed flat and printed without support. I printed it in PLA and PETG 0,15mm Layer and 4 Outlines as well as 20% infill.. Note: The first clamping is a bit tough for the hotend and on my first version I needed to remove some excessive material from the Clamping surfaces.. but it’s a tight fit. Edit: I ran into some issues with my hotend and the Cooling shroud at the beginning.. The heatpill that was in my E3D V6 was only 25W that is a bit to less for that much airflow so when the blower starts its work the 25W heatpill will not manage to keep up the Temp even with an silicone sock. IUpgraded to an 40W offbrand and everything is fine.



