Middara Tracker Dials
This is a remix of the most excellent tracker design: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4492815 Xykit graciously gave me permission to post this. You should check out his things and support him at his site: https://xykit.com This is my first laser design (okay, remix) and it actually worked out well. It is an eight dial tracker for the boardgames Middara. I found myself keeping crib notes for ephemeral stats that are mostly stable but change turn to turn now and then. This lets you set a magnetic dial to your current stats. You'll need 3mm thick material and 3mm thick x 6mm round neodymium disc magnets. The tolerances worked out for me but you may need to adjust for laser burn widths on your machine. Lightburn and SVG included, but check your cut settings. Lightburn includes burn order so the centers are cut out before the edges preventing any wobble or wiggle during the process. GREEN: line BLACK: cut RED: line+fill darker BLUE: line+fill lighter I used scrap wood I bought from https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07K5R33WP/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Hence the oddball sizes. Feel free to arrange them as needed for your bed and materials. Printed on FoxAlien LE-4040 with 20w laser and air assist upgrades. Tested on cardboard, printed on birch.