Spectra Breastpump Backflow Protector, Pump-side
I designed this after seeing Xorlev's work on the Spectra Backflow Protector. My wife has this exact pump but broke off the hose connector to the pump side, not the flange side. So, instead of waiting for Xorlev to read my comment, work on a replacement, I jumped into Freecad and created this. This is version 2 as version 1 was slightly too big (1mm). Printing: Print this upside down with Supports on base plate only. This will allow the gasket side to be nice and smooth for the optimal suction. You can increase the resolution if you prefer but 0.2 worked out well with a level bed and an optimally working machine. Tips Appreciated: Banano: ban_3dfmmfs8mdabm19ugueh7anmxwy6g8w69rqtc1dtzi1aotpdzi6jg7pc4bqz Nano: nano_1bibi54oojjbbyp7qh69popsa7x6kkiu9ddiiwkeye4gak393b1musmocwyd