Ikea LINNMON Cable Pass-Thru

Ikea LINNMON Cable Pass-Thru


This is a cable/wire pass-thru designed for Ikea Linnmon work surfaces. These surfaces are essentially hollow-core, filled with a lightweight hexagonal cardboard matrix (much like a closet door), picture shown for reference, there really isn't much to these things. This worktop relies on the top/bottom surfaces being complete to ensure it's structural integrity. I have drilled and mounted several of these pass-thrus gluing each together with Gorilla Glue (the water activated type) which will foam and expand 3-4 times it's size to grip the Ikea surfaces and the interior core cardboard pieces to the print, as well as gluing the print to itself (there are 2 pieces) thus ensuring the integrity of the work-surface as a whole. Make sure you clamp it whilst drying as you need the expanding glue to firmly attach at all points. Drill a 1.75" hole through the Ikea surface, apply expanding glue (Gorilla) and water per the glue instructions to the print and hole, insert print from top and bottom and clamp firmly for at least 3 hours






