Kings of War Multibases and Bases (Magnet-Friendly)

Kings of War Multibases and Bases (Magnet-Friendly)


I️ was having trouble finding a good set of multibases to print for Kings of War, so I️ designed my own! Each multibase has cavities for 3mm(wide)x2mm(tall) magnets, so that they can be used in conjunction with magnetic storage solutions if that's your jam. I️ have also included individual base sizes, which have a cavity for the same size magnets as the multibases. Within this thing you will find the following base and multibase sizes: - 20x20mm - 25x25mm - 25x50mm - 40x40mm - 50x50mm - 50x100mm - 75x75mm - 100x40mm - 100x80mm - 100x100mm - 120x40mm - 120x80mm - 125x50mm - 125x100mm - 150x50mm - 150x100mm - 150x200mm - 200x80mm - 200x100mm - 200x120mm The following multibase sizes are NOT included, due to size constraints, but could be constructed by printing the half-sizes of each and gluing them side-by-side: - 240x80mm - 250x100mm - 250x150mm - 300x100mm I️ hope you find these multibases useful! Be sure to share your prints, I️ would love to see them!






