Miniature Holder

Miniature Holder


A simple model holder, designed to take penny (1 cent) coins of the named currency. The UK is designed to take 5, the others 6 coins stuck together (use super glue) to add weight. The weight helps prevent them being accidentally knocked over, and keeps the centre of balance in your fingers. The top is grooved to help it hold blue tack, and the centre hole is deep to hold a pin for miniatures painted before basing. I Just added the Mk2 variants, which have more holes for pinned miniatures and a slightly nobbled upper surface as a result, which should be even better at holding the blue tack. Free licence for non commercial use (If you want to print them and give them away I have no issues with that - I don't have an issue with charging the printing cost either. By Commercial use I mean selling the holder, not selling what you use it to paint).







Art Tools