Magnetic dodecahedron puzzle
This puzzle consists of 12 identical-looking pentagons. Each one has 10 magnets (two magnets per side) in it. Polarity of magnets can be seen on the drawing instructions. To ensure that each pentagon will click to any other one by any side, magnets should be installed in reverse polarities per side - as it is drawn on the instructions picture. The goal is to assemble it so all lines on the faces will be continued by lines on other faces. Or, from the other prospective, the rib of each pentagon, that is not interupted bu the line on it's syrface must be paired with same rim of another pentagon. Hoever there is a trick: each pentagon has magnets on one of the sides switched. This adds a layer of difficulty to the puzzle and total number of possible solutions is reduced to 5. I designed this pizzle to be used with neodimium magnets that are 6mm in diameter and 10 mm in length. If parts are printed right, magnets should sit inside tightly.