Adjustable Z-Endstop Mount for Ender / CR-10

Adjustable Z-Endstop Mount for Ender / CR-10


EDIT: The 2 part adjuster was just too fussy. Every time I went to dial in Z, someting different would aggravate me. I did a complete redesign on it. I am leaving my original files her as well, but please use the single plate version. There are 2 holes for M4 adjuster screws. Either one will work for raising the plate. To lower, you have to apply hand pressure. Yeah, I know, that is not as sexy as a spring, but I'll take simple and reliable over complicated and fussy any day. There are 2 pairs of mounting holes for endtosp units. Why? Becasue I trashed the first one and replaced it with an OG Ender endstop and it had a different mounting hole pattern. Its got ears on it now. The ears secure and guide the mount. One side is shorted than the other- its just long enough to guide the plate in the recess made by the fillet of the motor laminations. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The original was great but I made a few tweaks- 1. Added recess in the back of the bracket to clear the pins/solder on the back of the PCB 2. Added Mount with pilot hole for forming threads with screw. There is little force on this part, so it should work just fine. 3. Added twist-nut style keeper to the backside of the bracket to keep it in the t-slot. It is inteneded to raise the X-axis and place the bracket in the t-slot and turn it 90 to egage. If its a little snug, use a small file or a touch of sandpaper to shoulder to let it slide freely. 4. Moved the original mount anchor so its more concentric to the bracket. You will still need a spring and screw. I used an M4x30 and a piece of 5/16" OD" PVC/Vinyl hose in my junk box to make a squishy spacer. You should be able to re-use the endstop PCB screws and original mount screws and nuts.



