Custom Cookie Cutter
_Please read the info about food safe printing before you print!_ _To use the SVG border options, you will need to customize in OpenSCAD and download the SVG files_ ______ __Ha Ha! Cookies on dowels...__ __Make your own Cookie Cutter!__ - __Select the Shape__ _Many to choose from or use a custom SVG file_ - __Add some text!__ _Use icon fonts to add a logo!_ - __Change all the sizes__ _Or use the defaults_ ______ __Info on Food Safe Printing:__ - __No print is food-safe without surface coating!__ - __Brass Nozzles are not food safe!__ _Taken from_ []( _The layer-lines will collect food, bacteria will grow, so this will be something you want to throw away after some use The same goes for soap and detergent - the layer lines can absorb these chemicals, which later can be released into something you want to consume._ _The nozzle you use also makes a difference. The standard brass nozzle is not considered food-safe, as it wears out. It is a consumable. Where does the worn material go? Into your print. Therefore, a soft brass nozzle just won't do. You would need a stainless-steel or a titanium nozzle if you are even considering printing with food in mind._ _There are epoxy resin coating-materials out there that have been deemed suitable. There is also the option of using 3d-prints simply as a mold with suitable materials and manufacturing methods._ [More info availble here]( ______ I've tested a print, but it's nsfw so I haven't posted here, please post a make if you print one.