Buster sword bookmark
Found a sword shaped bookmark (by mdraz1997 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4831951, check it out) and thought about what other swords were iconic enough to use for this purpose. The result is right here. I used the Buster Sword by MoustachePolice as a base for this bookmark. I flattened and elongated the blade to make it work as a bookmark. Then I split the sword in half so it prints flat without supports. Middle piece should be flexible enough to wrap around a page in your favorite Final Fantasy novel so you never lose track of your progress. It's quite big but it prints in about 45 minutes at 0.2mm layer height. NOTE: Don't push down too hard on the bookmark, it might damage your book because of the sharp edges. Printing: Printed at 0.2mm layer height 2 walls, 4 top 4 bottom 20% infill