Anycubic Vyper - Heatbed cable guide
<h1>Heatbed cable guide</h1> <h3>✓ less friction</h3> <h3>✓ less axial force</h3> <h3>✓ less force on soldering points</h3> I think everyone can agree with me that the Vyper's cable management could have been designed better. My main thought behind this design was to prevent the heatbed cable from a direct collision/friction against the y-axis stepper motor and the cable which is attached to the print head. Mount it directly under the already existing heatbed's attachment with its two thread nuts. I made an optional space for a cable tie for extra safety, but it works already great without it. Use PETG (higher temperature resistance than PLA) since the upgrade will be attached close to the heatbed. I highly recommend to use my support setup down below since it is really easy to remove afterwards without unwanted leftovers.